In Art class the student studies colour and the use of materials, developing a range of techniques through project work.

Business Studies:
In Business Studies class the student learns about the household budget, business structures, accountancy, banking and taxation.

Computer Studies:
Students are trained in many aspects of Information Technology and computer Applications e.g. word processing, spreadsheets, the internet and presentations

Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE)
This subject gives the student the opportunity to study (a) the individual citizen and his/her rights and responsibilities (b) the community (c) the Irish State (d) Ireland’s place in the European Union and on the World stage.

Materials Technology Wood:
Formerly known as Woodwork, the subject has expanded into the use of plastics and other materials. Assessments are based on project work and a written examination.

In Science the student learns by observing, experimenting and measuring. Having studied science to Junior Certificate level a student can then choose to do Physics, Chemistry or Biology or any combination of these important sciences for Leaving Certificate.

Social, Political and Health Education (SPHE)
This programme is delivered by a team of teachers. It deals with areas such as health, safety, study skills, relationships and sexuality education and communication skills.