16 Dec Author Workshop with Oisin McGann

Oisin McGann is an Irish author and illustrator who recently visited Coláiste Éanna for a talk on writing. He has written many books including Rat Runners, Strangled Silence and The king of the Realms.
Oisin McGann is a very funny author and is a really good public speaker. He gave us many tips on writing such as how he gets his inspiration, how he writes his books and how long an average book would take.
He told us the ups and downs of being an author. He told us that he loves his job. A lot of things make a good book. The story, the characters and the plot. But what really makes a good book is Oisin McGann.
After hearing Oisin McGann talk I am very intrigued by his work and wish to take a copy of his book Rat Runners. He really inspired many of us to be creative.
The talk was entertaining because he made it funny and inspirational. He drew a Rat Runner illustration at the end of the talk and singed it. I would recommend him to a friend.
By Joey McCann and Joshua Kilty