22 Apr Thomas F Meagher Foundation’s Flag Presentation

Coláiste Éanna were honoured to be chosen by the Thomas F Meagher Foundation to attend this presentation by President Michael D Higgins and to receive the Irish Flag.
On the 12th March Mr. McCauley and members of the Justice League, Adam Furlong, Jack Byrne, and Brian Nugent attended this very extraordinary event which was hosted in Waterford. 300 schools from all over the country were in attendance. The event was staged to infuse pride and respect in our Irish Flag. All schools who attended on the day received the Irish flag that had flown at 33 The Mall, where Thomas F Meagher flew the very first Tricolour in 1848. In March 2016 the Foundation will stage ‘Flag Day’ – which will give schools and local communities the opportunity to fundraise for charity and worthy causes.
President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins and his wife Sabina attended and his words were very inspiring…
We remain indebted to this man who, in 1848, called for “a lasting truce between Orange and Green”
Flag is displayed in the main building.