21 May Green School Programme – 3rd Flag for Coláiste Éanna
Coláiste Éanna secured its third Green Flag in relation to water conservation and was awarded the coveted flag at an awards ceremony held in The Helix, D.C.U. on Tuesday, May 20th.
This award was in recognition of measures taken over the past two years by the staff and students of Coláiste Éanna to reduce water consumption. Such measures included being vigilant as regards water consumption and conservation.
Over the two year timeframe, an entire inventory of appliances that consumed water was compiled, and those that had the greatest water consumption were targeted. Sensors were placed on each of the urinals throughout the school ensuring that water was only used when required rather than being on a set repeat timer mechanism. All old style “twist” taps were replaced by “push down” type taps, ensuring that taps were never left running!
The measures taken ensured a saving of 87,000 litres of water over a three month period, October – December 2013, when compared to the same three month period in 2012, despite the school population having increased over the intervening year!
In maintaining and improving upon our Green Schools’ credentials in relation to Energy Conservation, we also had sensors fitted to the lighting system in each of the toilet facilities ensuring that lights only came on when needed and were not left on needlessly.
With water charges for each and every household only a matter of months away, it might be worthwhile taking a look at the water-saving measures that might make a difference to the amount you will be paying for water.
“Water is precious. Let’s conserve it.”